The mission of TUF Libraries is to provide the right information to the right person at the right time in a right way. TUF libraries have a network of four libraries in the university to promote reading culture and provide access to information on diverse academic disciplines. These libraries are spacious, well planned, and offer serene environment. Libraries serve their community with upto-date information through different sources, including digital library, online research journals, periodicals. All users from faculty, staff, or students are encouraged to make full use of available resources.
Libraries contain around 50,000 books on medical, pharmaceutical sciences, allied health sciences, engineering, religion, management, computer, nursing literature, and social sciences. Internet facilities in the library connect users to libraries. These libraries provide access to books, journals, theses, newspapers, and other resources in hybrid environment (i.e. combination of print and online resources). These libraries are member of Higher Education Commission (HEC) Digital Library that provides access to thousands of virtual reference sources, online books, electronic journals, digital theses, and other multimedia resources on various subjects. TUF libraries are equipped with latest technology like RFID System and (KOHA) Library Management System, and are providing users the facility of borrowing and returning of library material. The bibliographic information about available collections is available through KOHA software.
The library is also providing access to 25,000 online full text journals, conference proceedings and articles through different online databases under the HEC’s National Digital Library Program. Students and faculty can access these resources in the campus through IP address. The library also gives access to around 32,000 online books through different databases that have also been made available through HEC’s National Digital Library Program.
E-Library USA gives American Spaces members access to resources that connect them to U.S. foreign policy. It covers medical, engineering, social sciences and resources through 32 databases. More than 1400000 on line theses & dissertation on different subject areas are available on famous data base “ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Globalin” in the E-Library USA.
Inter-library loan and searching facility option is also available in the library. Users can search material available in the libraries of different campuses of TUF, through Union Catalogue. Users can request library staff to help them in getting their required material from other libraries through inter-library loan.
Comfortable interior and innovative furniture in the libraries make them stunning and provide refreshing environment which attracts users and compel them to spend time and study in a relaxed and conducive environment. Study carrels and study lounge for faculty and students provide excellent atmosphere.
TUF libraries arrange information literacy sessions time to time in order to enhance the online searching skills of students and researchers. This facility provides excellent opportunity of organizing and participating in lectures, workshops, seminars, discussions, and meetings.
TUF libraries have also introduced SMS Service to facilitate library users like faculty, staff and students. In this service weekly messages are sent to the users whose return date is over. Through this service they can return their library material on time.
TUF libraries have dedicated staff in order to provide efficient and reliable reference services. Users can make queries by sending query through e-mail to library staff.
Computers with internet and Wi-Fi connections are available for the use of students and teachers for their study and research. A team of competent library professionals is also available to provide reference & research assistance.
TUF libraries provide facility of Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) of library resources, online booking and reservation of library material to the library patrons.
Video conferencing facility is available at the university for more than 20 persons.